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Table 2 Description of the factors drivers bushmeat consumption and trade identified in articles published in Brazil between 2011 and 2021

From: Use of wild vertebrates for consumption and bushmeat trade in Brazil: a review

Drivers of bushmeat consumption and trade

Description of factors associated with the consumption and trade of bushmeat


Socioeconomic factors

Income, wealth, origin of head of household, level of education, socioeconomic indices (percentage of rural population, HDI, GDP per capita), number of hunters in the family, length of stay in the community, origin of bushmeat, family size, average family age, age of hunter, number of children, poverty probability index (PPI), number of years the head of household has left the rural area

[24, 26, 45, 52,53,54,55]

Biological factors

Biomass and species abundance

[24, 45, 52, 55, 56]

Sociocultural factors

Meat flavor preference, social structures: kinship relationships, social marketing: discount coupons, information campaign and engagement to reduce the consumption of wild bushmeat

[45, 50, 52, 55, 56]

Environmental factors

Seasonal variations: dry and rainy season, forest cover, landscape contexts

[54, 56, 57]

Spatial factors

Distance and remoteness from urban center

[54, 57]

Demographic factors

Location, river type, market access: frequency of city trips and boat traffic in communities
