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Table 2 Themes Subthemes that emerged via the coding process were clustered into major themes

From: The current status of knowledge of herbal medicine and medicinal plants in Fiche, Ethiopia



How knowledge is acquired from previous generation

People learnt from parents or other elders in the oral tradition

People learnt from the treatment of their own illnesses as children

Awareness of loss of herbs

Now some herbs are difficult to access

Some herbs are disappearing

There is degradation of land

Need to make effort to grow the herbs in household gardens

Conservation of herbs

Herbs need to be taken care of in the wild

Wildcrafting is endangering some species

Passing on knowledge

Children may not be interested in learning about the herbs

It is important to share the knowledge to save the herbs

Safety and dosage

Some herbs are toxic

Some herbs are dangerous if combined

Some herbs are dangerous if the dosage is too high

Dosages adjusted for children


Women in general know more about application than men

It is mostly women who sell the herbs in the marketplace

Women have less time

Herb usage

Herbs are used in the home to treat family members for a range of illnesses or conditions

Herbs are important

Herbs are easily identified

Herbs are sold in the market place