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Table 1 Behavioural repertoire of sharks according to the understanding of informers

From: “Shark is the man!”: ethnoknowledge of Brazil’s South Bahia fishermen regarding shark behaviors

Ethological phenomenon

Ethological folk category

Sharks involved

Feeding behaviour

Sharks that are predators



Sharks that eat anything



Sharks that sniff food



Sharks that steal fish



Sharks that cut

Except Rhincodon typus (Smith, 1828)


Sharks that open their mouths and the fish goes in

Rhincodon typus


Sharks that attack from the shadows

Isurus oxyrinchus


Sharks that eat people

Galeocerdo cuvier


Sharks that eat any rubbish

Galeocerdo cuvier

Reproductive behaviour

Sharks that give birth to many offspring



Sharks that reproduce when they are still small



Sharks that reproduce nonstop

Some (indefinite)


Sharks that come to the shore to reproduce

Some (indefinite)

Social behaviour

Sharks that school

Pups in general


Sharks that live alone

Rhincodon typus

Migratory behaviour

Sharks that travel



Sharks that come near in the summer


Sedentary behavior

Sharks that live at certain spots

Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonnaterre, 1788).

Investigative behaviour

Sharks that approach boats

Rhincodon typus