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Table 1 Definition of methods to collect raw data and construct indices

From: Evaluating indices of traditional ecological knowledge: a methodological contribution


Method to collect raw data

Method to construct index




(1) Multiple-choice task on uses of wild plants

Cultural consensus

Cultural knowledge of uses

% of individual questions coinciding with the most frequent response in the group


Matching with experts

Agreement with experts

% of individual questions matching with the answers from elders in the group


(2) Multiple-choice task on ecology of wild plants

Cultural consensus

Ecological cultural knowledge

% of individual questions coinciding with the most frequent response in the group


Matching ecological data

Ecological knowledge

Number of responses on plant ecology matching textbook information.


(3) Interview of reported use of plants

Data aggregation

Average plants used

Average number of plants brought to the household per day


Data aggregation

Total plants used

Number of plants brought to the household/entire search period


Richness index

Total species used

Total number of different species brought to the household/entire research period


(4) Questionnaire on skills

Data aggregation

Skills using plants

Self-reported number of plant-made items that the participant reported knowing how to make