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Table 3 Some examples of sympathetic magic in Ccachín

From: Traditional use of the Andean flicker (Colaptes rupicola) as a galactagogue in the Peruvian Andes


Association and Practice

Miniature Representations

A variety of small stone carvings and naturally-formed stones are used in rituals to represent animals and crops, to communication with the spirits, and to promote fertility and abundance. In addition, dancers from the village construct miniature representations of desired futures during the pilgrimage of Qoyllur Rit'i, along with people from throughout the region.

Left-Spun Yarn

Lloq'e (S-twist, left-spun yarn) is believed to protect one from witchcraft and evil winds. Left-spun yarn is used as an antidote to sorcery (lloq'e in Quechua means "left"; the verb lloq'ey means "to hex"). Most women incorporate a small bit of lloq'e into their weavings. It's considered essential in the clothing woven for the inauguration of new community officials.

Black- Chested Buzzard Eagle

The talons of the Black-Chested Buzzard Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus) are sometimes braided into the ropes that men make to lasso cattle to improve their aim. The ropes are braided on the "good days" of Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday for success.

Coca Reading

The shape, condition, and position of coca leaves relative to each other are used in divination to represent age, sex, relationship, emotional states, illnesses and health, and activities according to metaphoric likenesses. Fright, for example, is represented by serrated edges, and death is represented by the tip broken away from the rest of the leaf as the soul separates from the body.

Twelve Yarns with the Colors of the Rainbow

The rainbows that form around waterfalls, cascades, and springs are believed to cause k'uychi onqoy (rainbow sickness) in Ccachín. The rainbow enters a woman's body while she is urinating and causes her abdomen to swell as if she were pregnant. A diagnostic feature is that the urine takes on the colors of the rainbow. To treat it, twelve colors of wool yarn are toasted and ground together (according to my informants, synthetic yarn doesn't work). A tea or broth is made of the powder, and this is given to the patient.

Extraordinary Products from the Earth

Wanlla, specimens of agricultural products, minerals, and precious metals with outstanding quality or unusual characteristics, are wrapped with coca leaves and set aside for veneration. They are associated with the pachamama (earth mother) and referred to by their specific forms: saramama (corn mother) and papamama (potato mother), for example. They have the power to engender themselves in abundance.

Coca Wads

Hach'u, the wad of chewed coca leaves, is associated with animal manure, and is buried during fertility rituals and first-haircutting ceremonies to enhance the fertility of the herds.