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Table 2 Total diversity, families with the highest number of medicinal species, growth forms, plant origin, plant procedence, species by major plant community, and number of species by municipality in the southern Nuevo León, México

From: Medicinal plants in the southern region of the State of Nuevo León, México

Total flora recorded

58 families, 136 genera, and 163 species

Families with the highest number of medicinal species

Asteraceae (18), Lamiaceae (15), Agavaceae (8), Leguminosae (8), Cactaceae (8), Euphorbiaceae (6), and Apiaceae (5)

Main growth forms

Herbaceous (94) shrubs, (39), trees (23), succulent (7).


Wild (108), Cultivated (55)


Autochthonous (117), introduced (46)

Species number by major plant community

Oak-pine forest (117), Scrublands (111)

Species recorded by municipality (c = cultivated, w = wild)

Galaena (c = 48, w = 83); Aramberri (c = 40, wild = 83), Zaragoza (c = 36, w = 60)