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Table 10 Elevation, aspect, and geomorphology related set of Csángó habitat terms, their meanings and English equivalents (literal translations of names are given in parentheses)

From: Multidimensionality and scale in a landscape ethnoecological partitioning of a mountainous landscape (Gyimes, Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

Csángó habitat names

Meanings and English equivalents

bennvaló hely, bent 1

Grasslands and fields in the valley among the houses (inner place)

lokhely / alj / alvidék / falu 1

Inhabited areas in the valleys at lower elevation (inhabited place / bottom / in low region / village)

ódal, ódalas hely 1

Side/slope of a valley (sided, sided place)

kinnvaló hely 1

High mountain grasslands and forests (outer place)

hegy, havas 1

High mountain grasslands and forests (mountain / snowy)

csúf hely 2,3

Area not mown or grazed, stony or with twigs, or steep, difficult to walk through (ugly place)

porond 2

Young and old stream banks (deposits) with gravel (elevated)

domb, dombos hely 1,2

An area with remnant soil hummocks of fallen spruce trees (hill, hilly place)

verőfényes hely 1

Southern slope (place with bright sunshine)

észkos hely, észok 1

Northern slope (northy place)

vőgy, szurduk, hajlás 1

Valley, canyon, incline (the same)

muzsda 3

Edge of an arable terrace

hegyi gödrök 3

Large depressions in the mountains with grasslands and surrounded by forests (mountain holes)

tető, legmagosabb hely 1

Hilltop, highest place (the same)

meredek 1

Steep slopes in the mountains (steep)

  1. Superscripts indicate scale: 1macrohabitat; 2mesohabitat; 3microhabitat.