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Table 4 Vegetation structure related set of Csángó habitat terms, their meanings and English equivalents (literal translations of names are given in parentheses)

From: Multidimensionality and scale in a landscape ethnoecological partitioning of a mountainous landscape (Gyimes, Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

Csángó habitat names

Meanings and English equivalents

erdőközt, fás közt 2

In the forest (among forest / among trees)

erdőszél, erdőszély 2

Forest edge (the same)

fa mellett, fa alja, fa töve 3

Under a tree, next to a tree trunk (at (under) tree)

gyéres erdő 1,2

Thinly grown or partly cleared forest (sparse forest)

tömör (gyakor) erdő 1,2

Dense forest (dense, frequent forest)

erdőközötti puszta 3 / lik 3

Clearings in the forest or a smaller opening in a forest (open place between forests / hole)

csoporterdő, erdőcsoport 2

Fragmented forest stands (forest group)

málnaveszes szélye 2

Edge of a clear cut (edge of a raspberry dangerous place)

bokros hely, bokrok közt, bozót 2

Bushy area, often diverse, mainly also small trees (bushy / thicket)

árnyékos hely 2,3

Shaded area (the same)

rét, mező, nyílt terület 1

Grassland in an open, relatively flat landscape (meadow / grass / open area)

pusztás hely, kopáros hely 2

Mountain top without forests, often not inhabited or large opening in a forest (bare place)

gyepes hely, füves, fű közt, pázsint, pástos hely 2

Area covered with grasses, often on a layer of gravel (grassy place, lawn)

bundzsák közt 3

Among mosses (the same)

kaszáló szély 2

Edge of a mountain hay meadow (the same)

  1. Superscripts indicate scale: 1macrohabitat; 2mesohabitat; 3microhabitat.