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Table 6 Disturbance related set of Csángó habitat terms, their meanings and English equivalents (literal translations of names are given in parentheses)

From: Multidimensionality and scale in a landscape ethnoecological partitioning of a mountainous landscape (Gyimes, Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

Csángó habitat names

Meanings and English equivalents

ganyés, trágyázott hely 2

Manured site, a nutrient rich area (manured place)

johókosározott hely 2,3

Place of former sheep corrals (the same)

esztenás hely 3

A nutrient rich area around mountain farms, or on the place of sheep corrals (place with a mountain farm)

ahol az állatok kitapossák 3 , tapodott hely 2 /nem tapodott hely 2

Areas trampled (or not) by animals or humans (trampled by animals/ trampled area / not trampled area)

ahol legelnek a marhák 2

Synonym of pasture (where cattle graze)

hangyaboly 3

Anthill on the meadows and pastures, the main habitat of Thymus-species (anthill)

gyomos hely 2

A degraded place dominated by weeds (weedy place)

felmaradt épület-hely 3

Area of a former mountain building (abandoned building place)

friss vágtér 2

New clear cut area (the same)

vízmeghajtotta helyeken 2

Flooded area with erosion and accummulation of gravel and sand (flooded place)

égetéses hely, perzselés 2,3

A burnt area, usually recovered by forest or a singed area, usually Nardus or Juniperus was singed (burning / singeing)

aszalás 3

An area where spruce trees were ring-girdled (desiccated)

suvadás, suvadós hely 2,3

An area with characteristic landslide (slide, slidey place)

martos, mart 3

Suddenly steep part of an area (bitten)

mocskos hely 3

Small organic garbage dump or pile of twigs, e.g. along fences, on stream banks (dirty place)

  1. Superscripts indicate scale: 1macrohabitat; 2mesohabitat; 3microhabitat.