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Table 1 Questionnaire form for ethnobotanical research

From: Medicinal and useful plants in the tradition of Rotonda, Pollino National Park, Southern Italy

Vernacular name of the plant

Used part

Harvest time

Collection made by:

□ women;

□ men;

□ both

Collecting modality:

Employment of the plant:

□ itself;

□ with other plants; in this case, which plants:

Preliminary preparation of the plant

Vernacular name of culinary preparations

Descriptions of above cited preparations

Valuation of frequency use of the plant today:

1 □ more times in a week;

2 □ once in a week;

3 □ once in a month;

4 □ twice in a year;

5 □ once in a year or less

Valuation of frequency use of the plant, a time (until 60’s):

1 □ more times in a week;

2 □ once in a week;

3 □ once in a month;

4 □ twice in a year;

5 □ once in a year or less

Valuation of plant appreciation (from two to ten):

□ 8-10: very good;

□ 6-7: fair;

□ 5-6: just edible;

□ 3(or 2)-6: practically unusable

Other uses of the plant (food, medicinal, veterinary, handmade):

Potential magic and/or religious uses:

Legends and beliefs about plant