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Table 2 Categories of diseases with the respective descriptions recorded in the municipalities of Zetaquira and Campo Hermoso

From: Use and valuation of native and introduced medicinal plant species in Campo Hermoso and Zetaquira, Boyacá, Colombia



Digestive system

Inflamations of intestine, intestinal obstipation, intestinal obstipation in newborns, diarrhoea, apendicitis, stomach aches, enhance stomach function, gastritis, stomach ulcer, against stomach acids, liver cleanser, hepatitis, against bad breath, againts umbilical, hernia, diabetes, high bilirubin in new born, tooth pain, mouth driedness, sensitive gums

Bacterial,parasitic and mycotic infections

Inflamations and skin infections, erisipela, againts acne and feet`s fungus, against warts, infections in throat, gripe, intestinal parasits, eye inflamations and infections, eye dust, mouth infections, againts hair lice, typhus, denge

Musculoskeletal system

Rheumatism, colds and spams in muscles and tendons, fractures in bones, back pain

Nervous system

Memory loss, nervous system tonics, nervous tension, children with problems to fall asleep, tiredness and weakness, body dryness

Inmune system

Fevers, yellow fever

Integumentary system

External and internal inflamations, allergies, infected wounds, excema, spots, rashes in adults, diaper rash

Reproductive system

Prostata complaints, weak uterus, cramps in uterus and menstrual pains, uterus cleanser, menstrual disorders, healing of uterus after giving birth, to prevent extra bleeding during child delivery, to enhance lactation

Circulatory system

Cardiac problems as hypertrophy, hipertension complaints, blood cleanser and tonic, antihemorragic, to stop nose bleeding in children

Respiratory system

Sinusitis, to enhance lungs function, asthma, coughs

Urinary system

Children bladder complaints, kidney and bladder complaints in adults


Stomach cancer, skin cancer, cancer in general


Ofidic accidents

Specific conditions

Headaches, general indisposition, againts flies, to lose weight, hidropisy, againts hair loss, hair treatments


Food, condiment herb