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Table 7 Recognition of variants in species with management in Coyomeapan

From: Ecological and socio-cultural factors influencing plant management in Náhuatl communities of the Tehuacán Valley, Mexico


Object of selection

Characteristics of the recognized variants

Preferred variant

Amaranthus hybridus L.


1. White: inflorescence with white seeds and clear green leaves.

White. Since it has a more delicate flavor. The other variants are more bitter.

2. Purple: inflorescence with red seeds and leaves with purple edges.

3. “Pinto” (spotted): Inflorescence reddish leaves with purple spots.

Brassica rapa L.

Entire plant

2. “Colesh”: stem clean and smooth, pleasant taste.

Colesh. Since it has soft leaves that are easy to digest.

3. “Coleshteneztli” or “Cashtelanquilitl” (Colesh goat): stem tomentose, scratchy texture, bitter leaves.

Canna indica L.

Entire plant

1. “Panisplatl de tamal”: Flowers small, long leaves and light green.

Both are appreciated, but they serve and are propagated with different purposes.

2. “Panispatl ornament”: Flowers large and showy; leaves medium gray-green.

Cestrum nocturnum L.

Young leaves

1. Leaves with pleasant flavor when cooked. Flowering very conspicuous.

Leaves with pleasant flavor. The bitter variety is an emerging food.

2. Leaves with bitter flavor. Rarely blooms. It is known as wild.

Chamaedorea tepejilote Liebm. ex Mart.

Male inflorescence immature

1. “Tepejilote Metlapilli”: Inflorescence large and thick.

The first three are prized for their yield and their market price. The latter is a emerging food.

2. “Tepejilote tronquitos”: Inflorescence small and thick.

3. “Tepejilote of plantation coffee”: Inflorescence of size and average.

4. thickness, but high productivity.

5. Tepejilote “Corpus” (wild): Inflorescence small and thin.

Dasylirion serratifolium (Karw. ex Schult. f.) Zucc.

Young inflorescence

1. Inflorescence purple, and flower buds larger.

Inflorescence purple. Because it has higher yield and better price. However, both varieties are sold.

2. Inflorescence white, and bud smaller.

Inga vera Willd.


1. “Topetli of plantation coffee”: large leaves.

The variety of coffee plantation, since it is used to shade coffee.

2. “Topetli wild”: Small leaves and edible fruit, but not sown.

Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)


1. White: Pods green clear and pleasant taste.

With the exception of the variety "prieto", all others are consumed with no clear preferences.

2. Red: dark green leaves and more concentrated flavor.

3. Pink: sweeter taste.

4. “Prieto”: Variety with bark dark, recognized as wild.

Litsea glaucescens Kunth


1. “Laurel of odor”: leaves thin and small, grayish underside. Tiny flowers.

“Laurel of odor”. He is recognized as "authentic". Best flavor food and therefore has the best price on the market.

2. Leaves broad and elongated, light green undersides. Larger flowers.

Peperomia peltilimba C. DC.


1. “Tequilitl”: Small leaves, thin, and smooth taste.

Tequilitl.It is recognized as edible and is sold in the market. Tehuantequilitl not sold and is recognized as ornamental.

2. “Tehuantequilitl” (quelite of coyote): Larger leaves and thicker. Flavor more concentrated.

Piper auritum Kunth


1. “Tlanilpaquilitl of house”: Leaves large, smooth, and highly aromatic. Smooth stems and light green.

“Tlanilpaquilitl of house”. Its leaves are sweet and fragrant.

2.“Tlanilpaquilitl wild”: Leaves small and odorless. Stems with white spots.

Plantago alismatifolia Pilg.


1. “Nenepilpitzabatl”: Leaves thin and elongated.

“Nenepilpitzabatl”. Since it has soft leaves, which are very easy to digest. The other varieties have leaves rough and rugged.

2. Variety of broad-leaved. It is used to feed the turkeys.

3. Wild: Leaves reddish and bitter taste, not eaten.

Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.)Cass.

Complete plant

1. White: Light green leaves. Cultivated.

Both are appreciated. Although the "white" is cultivated by irrigation, which guarantees to be present throughout almost all year. By contrast, the seed of the variety "purple" is spread in the fields of temporal.

2. Purple: Leaves and flowers of purple coloration. This grows in the dry zone.

Prunus serotina Ehrh.


1. “Capulín of house”. Red fruits, sweet taste, light green leaves.

Capulín of house.This is sold in local and regional markets. The variety “capulín of fox" the fruits are not consumed. The wood is used as firewood and for making tools.

2. “Capulli Iztotzi or Capulli Quimichi” (Capulín of fox or of mouse). Black fruit with acid flavor, dark green leaves.

Quercus candicans Née


1. Leaves large, thin, smooth. Leaf underside glabrous and bcenter. The surface of the leaf is light green.

Leaf smooth and glabrous. Can be handled better.

2. Leaves thick, leathery, spoon-shaped. Undersides densely tomentose. Beam darker color.

Raphanus raphanistrum L.


1. Pubescent leaf, purple flower, intense flavor and hard to digest.

Smooth leaf. It is more digestible. The purple variety is recognized as fodder.

2. Smooth leaf, white flower and sweeter taste.

Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.) Maas

Complete plant

1. “Velijmolli”: Dark green leaves with slightly wavy edges. Rounded tips.

Velijmolli. They have larger leaves, higher performance, and better price.

2. “Velijmolli wild”. Leaves light green, smooth edge. Ending in a peak.

Sideroxylon palmeri (Rose) T.D. Penn.


1. Fruit round.

Locally are consumed the two varieties. However, the variety of round fruit at regional sells better.

2. Fruit shaped-avocad.

Solanum americanum Mill.

Complete plant

1. Bitter or wild.

The non-bitter. However, the bitter has been identified as Solanum nigrescens Mart. & Gal.

2. Not bitter.

Sonchus oleraceus L.


1. White: Stems light green. Broad leaves.

White and purple are recognized as edibles. The variety green is recognized as wild and just is consumed as food emerging.

2. Purple: Stems with purple beam.

3. Green: Stems green. Thin leaves, ending in a peak. Bitter taste.

Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum (Liebm.) Engl.


1. “Iztacxóchitl”: White flower, is not edible, bitter, is used for adornment, wild plant.

Elotlxóchitl. Its are better flavor and is sold in the market.

2. “Elotlxóchitl or Oloxóchitl”. Green flower. Fast cooking and palatable.