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Table 1 Climatic, phytogeographical and social features of the study populations [37, 38]

From: Current use of wild plants with edible underground storage organs in a rural population of Patagonia: between tradition and change


Rural villages


Cuyín Manzano

Villa Llanquín

Nahuel Pan

Annual average temperature (°C)




Annual average rainfall (mma)




Phytogeographical environmental

Ecotone between Andean Patagonian Forest and Subantarctic Steppe

Steppe - Andean Patagonian Forest fragments

Patagonian Steppe, Andean Patagonian Forest (in the west)

Dominant plant communities

Forest (Nothofagus pumilio, Austrocedrus chilensis, Maytenus boaria, Lomatia hirsuta) herbaceous and shrub steppe (Stipa spp; Mulinum spinosum and Senecio spp.)

Herbaceous and shrub steppe (Stipa spp; Mulinum spinosum and Senecio spp., Nassauvia spp.) and Forest fragments of Austrocedrus chilensis, Maytenus boaria, Lomatia hirsuta.

Herbaceous and shrub steppe (Poa, Stipa and Festuca; Mulinum spinosum, Nassauvia spp., Berberis heterophylla, Adesmia campestris, Nardophyllum obtusifolium, Azorella monantha, Senecio filaginoides, Corynabutilum bicolor and Schinus roigii), Forest of Nothofagus pumilio and N. Antartica


50 people

113 people

60 people


Primary school, Health care service, Police, Local Council, Park Ranger

Primary school, Health care service, Police, Local Council

Primary school, Train station

Economic activities

Tourism, Big game hunting, public and private employment, extensive livestock breeding.

Extensive livestock breeding horticultural production, tourism, public employment.

Extensive livestock breeding, tourism.