From: Medicinal plants sold at traditional markets in southern Ecuador
Family and scientific name | Vernacular name | Medica categorya | Morphological structure used | Therapeutic administration | Geographic status | Voucher number |
Acanthaceae | ||||||
Dicliptera sp. | Chinche maní, chinche manilla | US | Whole plant | Oral | Native | FT1020 |
Justicia pectoralis Jacq. | Saucillo, tigresillo | CBS, DERS, GD, NS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT007 |
Amaranthaceae | ||||||
Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume | Escancel | CBS, DS, DERS, GD, GS, NS, US | Plant without root | Oral, douching, topical application, poultice | Introduced | FTMAL008 |
Alternanthera porrigens (Jacq.) Kuntze | Moradilla | GS, GD | Branch, flower | Oral, bath | Native | FT0010 |
Amaranthus caudatus L. | Ataco, sangorache | CS, GS, RS | Inflorescence | Oral, bath | Native | FT0278 |
Amaranthus hybridus L. | Ataco, sangorache | CS, GD, GS, RS, US | Inflorescence | Oral | Native | FTMAL006 |
Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants | Paico | CBS, DS | Branch | Rubbing | Introduced | FT0282 |
Iresine diffusa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. | Escancel | DERS, DS, GS, US, NS, RS | Branch | Topical application, oral, poultice, wash | Native | FT0280 |
Iresine herbstii Hook. | Escancel | CBS, DERS, DS, GD, GS NS, US, RS | Branch | Topical application, oral, poultice, wash | Native | FT0486 |
Anacardiaceae | ||||||
Schinus molle L. | Molle | MS | Branch | Cleaning wounds | Introduced | FT194SAR |
Apiaceae | ||||||
Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson | Culantrillo, cominillo | DS | Branch | Oral | Introduced | FT1012 |
Eryngium sp. | Pomas | DERS, GD | Flower | Cleaning wounds, oral | Native | FT0283 |
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. | Hinojo | DS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT0025t |
Niphogeton dissecta (Benth.) J.F. Macbr. | Culantrillo | DS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT0024t |
Apocynaceae | ||||||
Marsdenia cundurango Rchb. f | Condurango | GD, DS | Bark | Oral | Native | FT0196 |
Aquifoliaceae | ||||||
Ilex guayusa Loes. | Wayusa | MS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT0285 |
Asclepiadaceae | ||||||
Orthosia ellemanniae (Morillo) Liede & Meve | Cola de caballo | US, GD | Branch | Oral | Endemic | FT037t |
Asphodelaceae | ||||||
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. | Sábila | DS, DERS, US | Leaf mesophyll | Oral, topical application, bath as gel | Introduced | FT0380 |
Asteraceae | ||||||
Achyrocline hallii Hieron. | Lechugilla | DS | Whole plant | Oral | Endemic | FT0320 |
Ambrosia arborescens Mill. | Marco, altamiso | CBS, DERS | Branch | Topical application, rubbing | Native | FT045MCAT |
Aequatorium jamesonii (S.F. Blake) C. Jeffrey | Guangalo | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Endemic | FT003ML |
Ageratum conyzoides L. | Pedorrera | DS | Branch | Oral | Introduced | FT0286 |
Ambrosia peruviana Willd. | Marco, altamiso | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | ML005 |
Aristeguietia persicifolia (Kunth) R.M. King & H. Rob. | Ishpingo, monte de la culebra | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Endemic | FTG164 |
Artemisia sodiroi Hieron. | Ajenjo, alcanfor | CBS, RS | Branch | Gargles, rubbing | Native | FT002MZ |
Baccharis genistelloides (Lam.) Pers. | Tres filos | CS, HS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1013 |
Baccharis latifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. | Chilca larga | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | FT0288 |
Baccharis obtusifolia Kunth | Chilca redonda | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | FT0208 |
Bidens triplinervia Kunth | Ñachig | GS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT1008 |
Chuquiraga jussieui J.F. Gmel. | Chuquiragua | CS, MS | Inflorescence | Oral | Native | FT0318 |
Cynara cardunculus L. | Alcachofa | HS | Fruit | Oral | Introduced | FT0289 |
Matricaria recutita L. | Manzanilla | DERS, DS, GD, MS, RS | Plant without root | Cleaning wounds, gargles | Introduced | FT0014t |
Tagetes erecta L. | Arrayosa | CBS | Branch, flower | Rubbing | Introduced | FT043MCAT |
Tagetes filifolia Lag. | Anís | DS | Whole plant | Oral | Native | FT0987 |
Tagetes sp. | Chil chil | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | FT0092Q |
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip. | Santa María | CBS | Branch | Rubbing, warm bath | Introduced | FT1195 |
Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. | Diente de león | DS, US | Whole plant | Oral | Introduced | FT0029t |
Boraginaceae | ||||||
Borago officinalis L. | Borraja | RS | Flower, leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT011MAL |
Symphytum officinale L. | Consuelda, suelda suelda | MS | Leaf | Hot bath, oral, poultice | Introduced | FT1248 |
Brassicaceae | ||||||
Cardamine bonariensis Pers. | Berro | CS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT0003N |
Lepidium thurberi Wooton | Chichira | GS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT1249 |
Matthiola incana (L.) W.T. Aiton | Alelí | NS | Flower | Oral | Introduced and cultivated | FT1250 |
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek | Berro | CS | Plant without root | Oral | Introduced | FT22t9 |
Bromeliaceae | ||||||
Guzmania sp. | Clavelito de aire | NS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT001MALA |
Tillandsia straminea Kunth. | Flor de Cristo | NS | Flower | Oral | Native | FT1066 |
Burseraceae | ||||||
Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch. | Palo santo | DERS, MS, GS | Wood | Bath, incense | Native | FT961 |
Cactaceae | ||||||
Trichocereus macrogonus (Salm-Dyck) Riccob. | San Pedrillo | CBS | Vascular tissue | Topical application, Oral | Native | FT984 |
Campanulaceae | ||||||
Lobelia cf. decurrens Cav. | Cholo valiente | CBS | Branch | Topical application | Introduced and cultivated | FT1186 |
Cannaceae | ||||||
Canna indica L. | Achira | DG, NS, RS | Leaf | Topical application | Native | FT1251 |
Caprifoliaceae | ||||||
Sambucus nigra L. | Tilo | NS, RS | Flower | Oral | Introduced | FT1252 |
Caryophyllaceae | ||||||
Dianthus caryophyllus L. | Clavel | GS, NS | Flower | Oral | Introduced | FT1253 |
Chenopodiaceae | ||||||
Chenopodium album L. | Palitaria | MS | Leaf | Rubbing | Introduced | FT1254 |
Commelinaceae | ||||||
Callisia gracilis (Kunth) D.R. Hunt | Cachorillo | GD | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT1255 |
Callisia repens (Jacq.) L. | Calcha | CS, RS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT51MPAT |
Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse | Calcha | CS, NS, RS | Leaf | Topical application, oral | Introduced | FT30t |
Crassulaceae | ||||||
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier. | Dulcamara, mala madre | DS, GD | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT1024 |
Cucurbitaceae | ||||||
Cucurbita pepo L. | Sambo | DERS | Latex | Topical application | Introduced | FT1256 |
Cyperaceae | ||||||
Cyperus sp. | Díctamo real | CS, MS | Root | Oral | Native | FT1062 |
Equisetaceae | ||||||
Equisetum bogotense Kunth | Cola de caballo, caballo chupa | DS, GD, US | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT031t |
Equisetum giganteum L. | Cola de caballo, caballo chupa | US | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT1009 |
Ericaceae | ||||||
Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex L. | Payama | GD | Flower | Oral | Native | FT1257 |
Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L. f. | Payama | GD | Flower | Oral | Native | FTE012 |
Euphorbiaceae | ||||||
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) I.M. Johnst. | Chaya | CS, DS, GD | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT221 |
Fabaceae | ||||||
Amicia glandulosa Kunth | Nona, urusus | RS | Flower | Oral | Native | HUTPL1975 |
Desmodium molliculum (Kunth) DC. | San Antonio | GS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT38MPAT |
Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms | Chaquino | DS, GD | Bark | Oral | Native | FT998 |
Otholobium mexicanum (L. f.) J.W. Grimes | Guallua | DS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1022 |
Gentianaceae | ||||||
Centaurium erythraea Rafn | Canchalagua | CS | Whole plant | Oral | Introduced | FT1016 |
Geraniaceae | ||||||
Erodium cf. cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. ex Aiton | Agujilla, aujilla | CBS, GD | Branch | Oral | Introduced | FTE001MC |
Pelargonium graveolens L'Hér. ex. Aiton | Esencia de rosa | DS, GD, US | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT1258 |
Pelargonium odoratissimum (L.) L´Hér. | Malva olorosa | DS, GD | Branch | Oral | Introduced | FT016t |
Juglandaceae | ||||||
Juglans neotropica Diels | Nogal | CS, MS | Leaf | Hot bath, oral | Native | FT015MPA |
Lamiaceae | ||||||
Clinopodium nubigenum (Kunth) Kuntze | Tipo de llano | DS, RS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT1014 |
Clinopodium taxifolium (Kunth) Govaerts | Tipo de cerro | DS, RS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1259 |
Hyptis purdiei Benth. | Poleo cerro, poleo negro | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | FT048 MCAT |
Melissa officinalis L. | Toronjil | CBS, NS, RS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT45MPAT |
Mentha spicata L. | Hierba buena, menta, menta negra | DS, RS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT1260 |
Mentha x piperita L. | Hierba buena, menta, menta negra | DS, RS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT1261 |
Minthostachys mollis (Kunth) Griseb. | Poleo blanco, poleo chiquito | CBS, RS | Branch | Inhalation, oral, rubbing | Native | HUTPL1076 |
Ocimum basilicum L. | Albahaca, albahaca blanca | GS, US | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT46TMPA |
Ocimum campechianum Mill. | Albahaca, albahaca negra | GS, US | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT46aMPA |
Origanum × majoricum Camb. | Orégano, orégano de castilla | DS | Plant without root | Oral | Introduced | HUTPL5302 |
Plectranthus unguentarius Codd | Oreganón, orégano grande | DS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT0185 |
Rosmarinus officinalis L. | Romero | DERS, MS, SS | Branch | Bath after childbirth, cleaning wounds, oral | Introduced | HUTPL3892 |
Salvia scutellarioides Kunth | Matico | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | HUTPL931 |
Salvia tiliifolia Vahl | Santa María | CBS | Plant without root | Rubbing | Introduced | FT044MCAT |
Scutellaria sp. | Morado | NS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT003 |
Thymus vulgaris L. | Tomillo | DS | Plant without root | Oral | Introduced | FT1067 |
Linaceae | ||||||
Linum usitatissimum L. | Linaza | DS, GD, US | Seed | Oral | Introduced | FT47TMPA |
Loranthaceae | ||||||
Gaiadendron punctatum (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don | Violeta de cerro, violeta de campo | RS | Flower | Oral | Native | FT0032 |
Malvaceae | ||||||
Alcea rosea L. | Malva | GD | Flower | Oral | Introduced | HUTPL891 |
Malva arborea (L.) Webb & Berthel. | Malva rosada, malva altea | GD, US | Branch | Oral | Introduced and cultivated | FT042MC |
Malva parviflora L. | Malva arbórea, malva blanca | GD, GS, US | Branch, flower | Oral, bath after childbirth, cleaning wounds | Introduced | FT015MCE |
Moraceae | ||||||
Ficus carica L. | Higo | GS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | HUTPL 1192 |
Myricaceae | ||||||
Morella parvifolia (Benth.) Parra-Os. | Laurel, laurel de cera | CBS, GS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1207 |
Morella pubescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Wilbur | Laurel, laurel de cera | GS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1023 |
Myrtaceae | ||||||
Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson | Eucalipto oloroso, eucalipto aromático | CBS, RS | Branch | Inhalation, oral, rubbing | Introduced | HUTPL 1761 |
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. | Eucalipto blanco, eucalipto grande | CBS, RS | Branch | Inhalation, oral, rubbing | Introduced | FT1185 |
Myrcianthes hallii (O. Berg) McVaugh | Arrayán | RS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT215G |
Psidium guajava L. | Guayaba | DS | Fruit | Oral | Native | FT171C |
Onagraceae | ||||||
Fuchsia harlingii Munz | Pena pena | NS | Flower | Oral | Endemic | HUTPL5784 |
Fuchsia hybrida hort. T. ex Siebert & Voss | Pena pena | DERS, GD, NS | Flower | Cleaning wounds, oral | Introduced | FT1262 |
Fuchsia loxensis Kunth | Pena pena | NS | Flower | Oral | Endemic | FT1158 |
Fuchsia magellanica Lam. | Pena pena | NS | Flower | Oral | Introduced | FT0147 |
Ludwigia nervosa (Poir.) H. Hara | Flor de reina, mejorana de huerta | DERS, GD, NS | Flower | Oral, bath after childbirth | Native | FT194 |
Oenothera rosea L'Her. ex Aiton | Shullo | DS, US | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT53MPAT |
Orchidaceae | ||||||
Epidendrum jamiesonis Rchb. f. | Flor de Cristo | NS | Flower | Oral | Native | FT1063 |
Epidendrum sp. | Flor de Cristo | NS | Flower | Oral | Native | FT031t |
Piperaceae | ||||||
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth | Sacha congona | NS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT008 |
Peperomia galioides Kunth | Congona de cerro | NS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT124SAR |
Peperomia ilaloensis Sodiro | Congona de castilla, congona negra | NS, SS | Plant without root | Topical application, oral | Native | FT01t |
Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. | Congona, congona grande | NS, SS | Plant without root | Topical application, oral | Native | FT1197 |
Peperomia sp. | Congona de cerro | CBS | Plant without root | Rubbing | Native | FT49MPAT |
Piper aduncum L. | Matico | DERS, DS, GS, GD | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1019 |
Piper carpunya Ruiz & Pav. | Guaviduca de sal | HS, RS, GD | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT500 |
Piper crassinervium Kunth | Guaviduca de dulce | HS, RS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT237 |
Plantaginaceae | ||||||
Plantago major L. | Llantén | US, GD | Whole plant | Oral | Introduced | FT13t |
Poaceae | ||||||
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf | Hierba luisa, paja luisa | CS, NS, US | Plant without root | Oral | Introduced | FT011t |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. | Grama dulce | CBS, US, GD | Plant without root | Oral | Introduced | FT008MCE |
Zea mays L. | Pelo de choclo | US | Style | Oral | Introduced | FT1065 |
Polygalaceae | ||||||
Polygala paniculata L. | Mentol | MS | Whole plant | Poultice | Native | FT20t |
Polypodiaceae | ||||||
Niphidium crassifolium (L.) Lellinger | Calaguala | DS, US | Root | Oral | Native | FT40T |
Proteaceae | ||||||
Oreocallis grandiflora (Lam.) R. Br. | Cucharillo | CBS, HS, US, GD | Flower | Oral | Native | FT04t |
Pteridaceae | ||||||
Adiantum poiretii Wikstr. | Culantrillo pata negra | GS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT1018 |
Adiantum raddianum C. Presl | Culantrillo | GS, US, GD | Leaf | Oral | Native | MCELI35-T |
Cheilanthes bonariensis (Willd.) Proctor. | Helecho congona | GS | Leaf | Oral, bath after childbirth | Native | MPA52T |
Jamesonia sp. | Nido de abeja | GS | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT010 |
Notholaena sulphurea (Cav.) J. Sm. | Grano de oro | GS | Leaf | Bath after childbirth, oral | Native | FT009 |
Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link | Doradilla del sol | GS | Leaf | Bath after childbirth, oral | Native | FT013 |
Pityrogramma ebenea (L.) Proctor | Doradilla plateada, luna plateada | GS | Leaf | Bath after childbirth, oral | Native | FT014 |
Trachypteris induta (Maxon) R.M. Tryon & A.F. Tryon | Pata de gallina | GS | Leaf | Oral, bath after childbirth | Native | FT012 |
Rosaceae | ||||||
Alchemilla aphanoides Mutis ex L. f. | Saucillo | NS | Branch | Topical application, oral | Native | FT007 |
Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. | Níspero, míspero | US | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT1063 |
Margyricarpus pinnatus (Lam.) Kuntze | Perlilla | RS, DERS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT463 |
Rosa cymosa Tratt. | Rosa | DERS, GD, SS, US | Flower | Cleaning wounds, oral | Introduced | FT274 |
Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata (Bonnier & Layens) Briq. | Pimpinela | NS | Leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT014MZ |
Rubiaceae | ||||||
Cinchona pubescens Vahl | Cascarilla | RS | Bark | Oral | Native | FT118 |
Rutaceae | ||||||
Citrus x junos Siebold ex Tanaka | Naranja agria | DERS | Fruit | Oral | Introduced | FT007t |
Ruta graveolens L. | Ruda | CBS, DS, GS | Branch | Bath after childbirth, oral, rubbing | Introduced | FT002 |
Smilacaceae | ||||||
Smilax sp. | Zarzaparrilla | GD, US | Root | Oral | Native | FT1263 |
Solanaceae | ||||||
Brugmansia sanguinea (Ruiz & Pav.) D. Don | Guando | CBS | Flower, leaf | Rubbing | Native | FT028ML |
Brugmansia x candida Pers. | Guando blanco | CBS | Flower, leaf | Rubbing | Native | FT210 |
Cestrum mariquitense Kunth | Sauco negro | CS, GD | Branch | Oral, topical application | Native | FT210 |
Cestrum racemosum Ruiz & Pav. | Sauco blanco | CBS, GD | Branch | Rubbing | Native | FTS177 |
Solanum americanum Mill. | Mortiño | DS, GD, NS, RS | Branch, bud | Oral, warm bath | Native | FT36t |
Solanum nigrescens M. Martens & Galeotti | Mortiño | DS, NS, RS | Bud | Oral | Native | FT1264 |
Solanum pimpinellifolium L. | Monte del gallinazo | CBS | Branch | Rubbing | Native | FT207 |
Tiliaceae | ||||||
Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. | Abrojo, cadillo, mostrante | GD, US | Leaf | Oral | Native | FT39T |
Urticaceae | ||||||
Urtica dioica L. | Chine | CS, MS, US, | Plant without root | Oral, rubbing | Introduced | FT1064 |
Urtica urens L. | Chine | CS, MS, US | Plant without root | Oral, rubbing | Introduced | FT275 |
Valerianaceae | ||||||
Valeriana microphylla Kunth | Valeriana, valeriana de cerro | NS | Plant without root | Oral | Native | FT1015 |
Valeriana pyramidalis Kunth | Valeriana | NS | Root | Oral | Native | FT991 |
Verbenaceae | ||||||
Aloysia triphylla Royle | Cedrón | NS | Branch | Oral | Native | FT1265 |
Phyla scaberrima (A. Juss. ex Pers.) Moldenke | Buscapina, novalgina | DS | Plant without root | Oral | Introduced | FT1240 |
Verbena litoralis Kunth. | Verbena | CBS, GD | Branch | Oral, rubbing | Native | FT1268 |
Violaceae | ||||||
Viola odorata L. | Violeta, violeta de jardín | RS | Flower, leaf | Oral | Introduced | FT1266 |
Viola tricolor L. | Pensamiento | DERS, GD, RS | Flower | Cleaning wounds, oral | Introduced | FT1267 |
Zingiberaceae | ||||||
Hedychium coronarium J. Koening | Caña agria | US | Stem | Oral | Introduced | FT002t |