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Table 2 Actions taken against perceived illnesses during a 2 week recall period among the Hamer ethnic group, South Omo Zone (January-February 2010)

From: Health seeking behavior and use of medicinal plants among the Hamer ethnic group, South Omo zone, southwestern Ethiopia

Demographic characteristics

Action taken N (%)

Went to health institutions

Went to traditional healers

Took homemade remedies

Took no action




276 (58.2)

120 (25.3)

54 (11.4)

24 (5.1)

474 (52.0)


210 (49.0)

135 (30.8)

66 (15.1)

27 (6.2)

438 (48.0)


  ≤ 5

168 (55.9)

34 (25.9)

35 (14.2)

10 (4.1)

247 (27.1)


146 (61.3)

23 (10.9)

4 (1.9)

38 (18.0)

211 (23.1)


171 (37.9)

196 (43.5)

81 (18.0)

3 (0.7)

451 (49.5)


1 (33.3)

2 (66.7)



3 (0.3)

Income status


279 (61.1)

125 (49.0)

74 (61.7)

37 (72.5)

533 (58.4)


123 (25.3)

87 (43.1)

39 (32.5)

9 (17.6)

258 (28.3)


66 (13.6)

43 (16.0)

7 (5.8)

5 (9.8)

121 (13.3)


486 (53.3)

255 (28.0)

120 (13.2)

51 (5.6)

912 (100)

  1. Low income: less than five cattle, no goats and hives; Middle income: five to ten cattle, goats and hives; High income: more than ten cattle, goats and hives