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Table 2 Animal species most likely used as foods, procured within tunales by the southernmost Guachichiles

From: Reconsideration of the nomadic condition of the southernmost Guachichiles based on the relationship with their environment

Common namea

Scientific name

Current useb

Birds (individuals of all ages and eggs)

 Mourning dove

Zenaida macroura

As food

 White-winged dove

Zenaida asiatica

As food

 Canyon towhee

Melozone fusca

None known

 Curve-billed thrasher

Toxostoma curvirostre

As cage bird

 Northern mockingbird

Mimus polyglottus

As cage bird

 Cactus wren

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus

None known

 Finches and sparrows

Passerellidae, Fringilidae

Some species used as cage birds

Small mammals


Neotoma leucodon

As food, highly appreciated

 Mexican spiny pocket mouse

Liomys irroratus

None known

 Deer mice

Peromyscus melanophry, but likely also smaller species

None known

 Rock squirrel

Otospermophilus variegatus

As food, occasional

 Cottontail rabbit

Silvilagus audubonii

As food

Large mammals

 Collared peccary

Pecari tajacu

None, locally extirpated



Crotalus spp.

Used as a cancer remedy

 Gopher snake

Pituophis deppei

None known

 Scaled lizards

Sceloporus spp.

None known

 Mud turtles

Kinosternon integrum, K. hirtipes

Blood used as a remedy



The larvae of at least Melitara nephelepasa; possibly other species as well

Eaten occasionally

 Mexican honey wasp (its honey)

Possibly Brachygastra mellifica and perhaps other congeneric species

None known, but likely to be still consumed

  1. aSpecies within groups are ranked according to their probable importance, based on abundance in these habitats, size, and easiness of hunting. All species except the sparrows were permanent residents in the tunales (source: EM and MERL, pers. obs.)
  2. bCurrent use derived from personal acquaintance of the authors and [26]