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Table 1 Tenure and ecological issues related to the harvesting of commercially important NTFPs

From: Sustainability issues of commercial non-timber forest product extraction in West Suriname

Plant (p)/animal (a) NTFP


Voucher specimen #

Bought by

Tenure issues

Ecological issues

Crabwood seeds

Carapa guianensis L. (p)



Local subsistence users

Non-local subsistence users

Non-local small-scale commercial users

Collecting on state domain under request for logging

Overharvesting seeds can decrease seedlings

Brazil nuts

Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. (p)



Local subsistence users

Local small-scale commercial users

Non-local small-scale commercial users

Collecting happens on state domain, which is proposed to become a nature reserve

Overharvesting seeds for successive years can decrease seedlings of this species

Sawari nuts

Caryocar nuciferum L. (p)



Local subsistence users

Local small-scale commercial users

Non-local small-scale commercial users

Collecting happens on state domain, which is proposed to become a nature reserve

Overharvesting seeds for successive years, can decrease seedlings of this species

Kokriki seeds

Ormosia costulata (Miq.) Kleinhoonte (p)



Non-local subsistence users

Collecting happens on logging concession site

Non observed

Boesemani stingray

Potamotrygon boesemani (a)



Non-local commercial users

Fishing happens on de facto open access river

Extreme decrease in population

Potential threats to trophic system

Potential ecosystem-wide issues

White-lipped peccary

Tayassu pecari (a)



Local subsistence users

Non-local subsistence users

Hunting happens on state domain and on logging concession sites

Decrease in population

Lowland paca

Cuniculus paca (a)



Local subsistence users

Non-local subsistence users

Hunting happens on state domain and on logging concession sites

Decrease in population

Wolf fish

Hoplias aimara (a)



Local subsistence users

non-local subsistence users


Decrease in population