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Fig. 4 | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

Fig. 4

From: Perceptions of the local beekeepers on the diversity and flowering phenology of the melliferous flora in the community of Xmabén, Hopelchén, Campeche, Mexico

Fig. 4

Melliferous flora in the community of Xmabén, Hopelchén, Campeche, Mexico. a Number of species per growth habit. b Number of response by beekeepers interviewed on the type of vegetation where they established their apiaries. c Number of response by beekeepers interviewed on type of plants required around the apiaries for feeding the bees. d Number of species that bloom per season. e Response by beekeepers interviewed for different species with high apicultural potential in Xmabén, Hopelchén, Campeche, Mexico. Vegetation type: MTSF medium stature tropical forest (MSTF), LIFT low inundated tropical forest, SF secondary forest. Regional season: D dry, R rainy, N nortes

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