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Fig 6 | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

Fig 6

From: Folk classification of wild mushrooms from San Isidro Buensuceso, Tlaxcala, Central Mexico

Fig 6

Schematic representation of the nahua classification of fungi in San Isidro Buensuceso, Central Mexico. Numbers with a black dot to the right represent biological species: Small black circles with one to seven biological species inside represent ethnogeneric taxa. The three main life forms are marked with their Nahuatl names. Gray dotted lines and names represent the biological orders of the Fungi. Biological species with their names in Nahuatl: 1. Nanacatl den kuahuitl (Trametes sp.), 2. Nanacatl den kuahuitl (Phaeolus schweinitzii), 3. Oyametl-xo-tomāh (Boletus aff. edulis), 4. Tlacuahuac-xo-tomāh (B. aff. atkinsonii), 5. Oco-xo-tomāh (B. pinophilus), 6. Zaca-xo-tomāh (B. rubriceps), 7. Tepetl-xo-tomāh (Tylopilus sp.), 8. Tlapal-xo-tomāh (Boletus sp. 1), 9. Xo-tomāh-rabia (Boletus miniato-pallescens), 10. Popozoh-rabia (Chalciporus piperatus), 11. Popozoh-nanacatl (Suillus pseudobrevipes), 12. Xelhuāz-nanacatl den kustic (Ramaria bonii), 13. Xelhuāz-nanacatl den cafe (Ramaria sp.1), 14. Xelhuāz-nanacatl den morada (R. rubripermanens), 15. Xelhuāz-nanacatl rosa (R. rubricarnata), 16. Xelhuāz-nanacatl den pitzō-nanacatl (R. apiculata), 17. Cuamanox (Ramaria sp. 2), 18. Oyametl-tlapiltzal (Turbinellus floccosus), 19. Tlalpīltzal den pitzō-nanacatl (Sarcodon sp.), 20. Tlalpīltzal den blanco (?), 21. Ezquilo den oyametl (Infundibulicybe gibba), 22. Ezquilo den ocotl (I. cf. squamulosa), 23. Cuā-te-cax (R. delica group), 24. Cuā-te-cax azul (Lactarius indigo), 25. Oyamelchil-nanacatl (L. salmonicolor), 26. Chil-nanacatl den ocotl (L. deliciosus), 27. Gachupi-nanacatl (Helvella crispa), 28. Charro-nanacatl (H. lacunosa), 29. Ōlō-nanacat (Morchella sp.), 30. Tecōzah den kustic (Cantharellus aff. cibarius), 31. Tlapal-tecōzah-uitl (Chroogomphus jamaicensis), 32. Ocotl-xōlētl (Lyophyllum sp. 1), 33. Tlacual-xōlētl (Lyophyllum sp. 2), 34. Oyametl-xōlētl (Lyophyllum sp. 3), 35. Xocoyol-nanacatl (Laccaria trichodermophora), 36. Chīlona-nanacatl (Hygrophorus chrysodon), 37. Xite-nanacatl (Lycoperdon perlatum), 38. Cefamil (Lycoperdon sp.), 39. Cītlal-nanacatl (Amanita muscaria), 40. Āyoh-xōchitl (A. basii), 41. Iztāc-nanacatl (A. tuza), 42. Tehtecuitl (Armillaria mexicana), 43. Me-nanacatl (Pleurotus opuntiae), 44. Āyoh-tzin (Agaricus campestris), and 45. Nanacatl den kuitlatl (Panaeolus sp.)

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