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Table 1 Three major geographic areas in Catalonia and ethnobotanical studies carried out in each one

From: Catalan ethnoflora: a meta-analytic approach to life forms and geographic territories


Studied areas (references)

Pyrenean and pre-Pyrenean territories (abridged Pyrenean)

Alt Urgell [26], Cerdanya [27, 28], Garrotxa [29], Pallars Jussà and Pallars Sobirà [30], Ripollès [31], and Vall d’Aran [32]

Inland territory (inland)

Garrigues and a part of Segrià [33], Sant Feliu Sasserra [34], and Segarra [35]

Littoral and pre-littoral territories (littoral)

Anoia [36], Alt Empordà [37], Baix Llobregat [38], Gallecs [39], Gavarres [40], Gironès [41], Guilleries [42], Montseny [43], Serra de Collserola [44], Serra de Prades [45], Ulldemolins [46], and Vall del Tenes [47]