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Table 1 Corpus and praxis of TVM by Mapuche and non-Mapuche campesinos, southern Chilean Andes

From: “The climate itself must have hidden some medicines”: traditional veterinary medicine of indigenous and non-indigenous campesinos of the southern Andes



Season of year



Animal management



Praxis organized by corpus related with lower grassland productivity, snow in mountainous sectors, and availability of shrubs and/or trees

(AT) (LIT) (BIO)

Supplementary feeding

Feeding animals with bales, concentrate, oats, bamboo (Chusquea spp.), and palo trébol (Dasyphyllum diacanthoides) to supplement production deficit of pastures


Praxis organized by corpus represented by temperature minimums, snow in mountainous sectors, abundant rainfall, and the presence of predators

(AT) (BIO)

Animal shelter

The practice of providing shelter for animals in pens, sheds, pigsties, coops, and trees


Praxis organized by corpus about increase in temperatures, drop in rainfall, increased grassland productivity, and animal reproduction cycles

(AT) (BIO)


Planning of calving for different species to reduce neonatal and postnatal deaths associated with feed deficits and extreme weather conditions. The organization of calving permits a supply of animal protein for consumption and/or sale at different times of the year


Praxis planned on basis of corpus related to increase in temperatures and the cycle of the trune (Acaena ovalifolia) and pimpinela (Acaena pinnatifida) species

(AT) (BIO)


Planning of shearing before the trune (Acaena ovalifolia) and pimpinela (Acaena pinnatifida) species go to seed in order to prevent these seeds from sticking to the wool


Praxis organized by corpus related to the waning phase of the moon and cloudy days with low temperatures during the summer

(AS) (AT)

Tail docking

The tail docking of ewes to facilitate the mating and lambing of future breeding ewes is carried out during the waning moon, which is associated with a decrease in body fluids, preventing hemorrhages and facilitating the coagulation of the cut


Praxis organized by corpus about increase in temperatures, drop in grassland productivity, the reproductive cycles, and vegetation units in mountains

(AT) (LIT) (HID) (BIO) (EG)

Cattle transhumance

The practice of transhumance in which cattle are moved to mountainous areas from December to March for feeding and mating


Corpus about the effect of salt in preventing mice from entering the shed where fodder is kept. In addition, adding salt makes the feed more palatable in winter

(AT) (BIO)

Fodder storage

The practice of storing unbaled grass with salt in sheds


Praxis organized by corpus related to the availability of seeds for improving pasture

(AT) (BIO)

Seed harvesting

The seeds of cat grass (Dactylis glomerata), clover (Trifolium spp.), ryegrass (Lolium spp.), and meadow soft grass (Holcus lanatus) are selected and harvested for grassland improvement. The seeds are harvested from the grassland as well as from the sheds where fodder is stored


Praxis organized by corpus about the reproductive cycles of sheep and increase in temperatures

(AT) (BIO)

Ram separation

The ram is separated from the sheep flock in order to send the ewes to early mating, scheduling lambing for a season with greater forage availability and better weather conditions


The right time to implement this praxis is determined by a corpus related to the presence of a waning moon and cloudy days with low temperatures in summer

(AS) (AT)


The practice of removing the testicles of cattle destined to become steers or bullocks and pigs reserved for fattening during a waning moon


Corpus related to reduction in hours of daylight, the characteristics of the reproduction cycle of sheep, and reduction in temperatures

(AT) (BIO)


This practice consists of bringing together the previously separated rams with the flock of ewes for mating in April and/or May


Corpus about the presence of different ectoparasites in poultry


Adding ash to chicken coops

The practice of using ash in chicken coops to control ectoparasites such as bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae)


Corpus about the presence of slugs (Deroceras reticulatum) in the apex of grass

(AT) (BIO)

Late release of sheep

The practice of releasing the flock of sheep confined in barns, sheds, and/or pens after 9 am to prevent the animals from ingesting slugs (Deroceras reticulatum), which cause swelling and death of the sheep


Corpus about the positive effect of animal manure on the soil and the productivity of grassland used for animals


Fertilization with animal manure

Incorporation of animal manure into the grassland for fertilization. There are different methods such as: spreading and incorporating the fresh manure left by the livestock when grazing; leaving the sheep manure to dry in sheds and then incorporating it into the meadows; preparing a mixture of manure from different animal species for incorporation into the meadows once it has dried; and mixing animal manure with different organic waste

  1. Nomenclature: Knowledge categories: (AS): Astronomical; (AT): Atmospheric; (BIO): Biological; (EG): Eco-geographic; (HD): Hydrosphere; (LIT): Lithosphere