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Table 6 A definition board of how a theme was produced and its interpretation

From: Understanding interdisciplinary perspectives of plant intelligence: Is it a matter of science, language, or subjectivity?


Inclusive of words and/or body of text


Co-occuring themes definition Board



“uncertain,” “not sure,” or any body of text that expressed uncertainty

The presented behavior was unclear to provide an opinionated response

Response to external stimuli

“reaction to the environment,” “response to external stimuli,” or any body of text that was interpreted as such

The presented behavior was due to a response to an external stimuli

Depends on definition

“depends on definition,” “definition,” “depends on what is intelligence,” and/or a body of text that was interpreted as, or shown as an expressions of such

A raised concern and/or expression that the presented behavior was dependent on how one defines intelligence and/or plant intelligence

Physiological response

“physiological,” “physiological response,” or interpreted as such

The presented behavior was due to a (hardwired) physiological response

Automated response

“automated response.” “motor reflex,” “reflex,” “hard-wired response,” “instinct,” “direct response,” or interpreted as such

The presented behavior was due to an automated, hardwired response

Evolutionary process

“evolution,” “evolutionary process,” “natural selection,” “selection,” “Darwin,” “evolved,” “genetic evolution,” or interpreted as such

The presented behavior was (more likely) due to an evolutionary process

No conscious thought involved

“no thought involved,” “no conscious thought,” “no active decision/choice,” “no awareness,” “no mental choice involved,” or interpreted as such

The presented behavior did not involve any conscious action(s) made by the plant

Chemical response

“chemical response,” “biochemical response,” “chemical reaction”

The presented behavior was due to a chemical response

Threshold response

“threshold response,” “accumulation of action potential”

The presented behavior was due to a (chemical-based) threshold response


suffix “-tropism,” “tropism,” “taxis”

The presented behavior was more or less due to tropism

Not considered counting

“this is not counting,” “not considered counting”

The presented behavior was not considered as a counting strategy/mechanism exhibited by a plant

Mimicry/ parasitism is not intelligent

“mimicry is not intelligent,” “camouflaging is not intelligent”

The presented mimicry is not considered intelligent

Response not directed by plant

“response not directed by plant,” or interpreted as such

The presented behavior was a response not actively directed by plant