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Table 5 Common folk diseases and treatment practices in traditional veterinary medicine in the Sierras de Córdoba

From: Medicinal plants used for traditional veterinary in the Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina): An ethnobotanical comparison with human medicinal uses


Traditional therapeutical practices

A) Diseases and treatments related to animal reproduction (gestation, pregnancy, animal birth and breeding)

Retained placenta

- Wipe the hindquarter of the animal with wood ash


- Hang up the rest of the umbilical cord of the spine bone of a dead animal smeared in oil, in order to drain and make a counterweight

Abscesses (Mastitis, inflammation of the udder)

- "Unto sin sal" (Unsalted fat; (Fat soft belly of pork) air dried.


- Melted fat of a cow


- Beeswax and garlic

B) Digestive diseases

"Empacho" (indigestion) and diarrhea

- Milk serum curd with salt


- Draw a cross with cow's milk on the back of foals or calves

C) Respiratory diseases

"Moquillo" (Distemper)

- Mark the face of the horse, drawing a muzzle with kerosene or fat


- Smoke bath with rubber, and chicken manure incinerated


- Smoke bath with creosote and a jute bag or rags incinerated


- Smoke bath with cobs of corn and rags incinerated


- Puncturing the sinuses in horses with a sharp cane


- Cut of the ears dogs and leave bleed; then placing a necklace of seven (or an odd number) of burned corn cobs, leaving him in the neck until it heals


- Cut of the ears of the horse


- Incision below the "carretilla" (in the region of the jugular vein) of horses


- Pour one tablespoon of cooking oil in each ear of the horse


- Break a raw egg on the forehead of the animal

D) Diseases of the skin and hair

Pimples and boils

- Poultice of manure of chicken (Gallus gallus) and turkey, fat iguana (Tupinambis spp.), and bread crumb with milk

Wounds and injuries

- Burned mineral engine oil


- Sugar


- Human stool ("defecation of a christian")


- Honey


- White soap

"Mataduras" (Sores) (Healing of wounds on the back of horses)

- Ointment shoes (prefference color like the hair affected animal)


- Lime


- Copper sulfate


- Oil


- White Liniment


- "Unto sin sal" (Unsalted fat) with lard


- Human urine with grated brick

"Capaduras" (Castration) (Scarring of castrated cattle)

- Hot kerosene to remove the "pasmo" (similar to a spasm) due to cold entrance when the animal was castrated


- Kerosene with salt


- Ashes with fresh cow manure


- Preparation of egg yolk, oil and lime


- Burned mineral engine oil


- Spiderweb


- Paprika

Snake bites (dogs)

- Necklace of braid straw (Stipa brachychaeta) wrapped in the neck until it heals


- Brushstrokes of kerosene in the affected area

E) Parasitosis

"Embichaduras": Myiasis caused by the larvae flies of the "screwworm" (Cochliomyia hominivorax, Calliphoridae) and others.

- Hang three leather washers of a male animal, to treat females and, conversely, three female leather washers to treat the males


- Apply to the navel or to affected areas of a newborn calf an implement fleece (like a cotton swab) dipped in creosote, horse manure, and burned mineral engine oil

Scabies: Caused by the mites Psoroptes bovis, (Psoroptidae) and Sarcoptes sp. (Sarcoptidae).

- Burned mineral engine oil (sheep scab) applied with corncob


- "Unto sin sal" (Unsalted fat) with tobacco, sulfur and creosote

"Bicho del cuajo" (Bug rennet): Internal parasitosis due to larvae flies of Gasterophilus spp. (Gasterophilidae)

- Mate, salt, cooking oil and creosote intake.

F) Diseases of the senses

"Nubes" "Clouds" (Conjunctivitis)

- Sugar in the inner of the eye (Equine conjunctivitis)


- Washings with human urine and salt (Equine conjunctivitis)


- Instill blood of dog ticks (Ovine Conjunctivitis)


Practice a small incision in the lid of the eye as a cross-shaped

Hits on the eyes

- Sugar

G) Diseases of the urinary ways

"Sarro en la verija" (Tartar in urinary ways) (Anuria due to urinary infections)

- Place the horse under a stream of water and a knife in the genital area, and then hit three kicks until urine

H) Musculoskeletal diseases

Musculoskeletal pain

- Friction with fat of iguana (Tupinambis spp), of lion (Puma concolor) or of chicken (Gallus gallus)

I) Poisonings

For consumption of "chuscho" (Nierembergia linariaefolia)

- Break two eggs in the front and draw a cross

For consumption of "manzanilla silvestre" (Anthemis cotula)

- Drill the crease of the swollen abdomen, with a knitting needle

"Tasca" (sound made by horses when hitting the jaws), For consumption of "paletaria" (indet.)

- Tobacco, milk and oil intake

For consumption of "romerillo", "nío" or "mío - mío" (Baccharis coridifolia)

- Rubbing the plant on the lips and gums of the animal, as a way of prevention


- Milk and cooking oil intake, or other astringent drink like "anís" or "mate cocido"


- Vinegar and starch intake