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Table 1 Comparison between fishers’ LEK* and the scientific literature about the diet of fish species in Ilhabela (Brazil)**

From: Fishers’ knowledge about fish trophic interactions in the southeastern Brazilian coast

Fish species (Local name)

Food items from fishers’ LEK

Food items from the scientific literature


Bodianus rufus (GodiĂŁo)

Mud (42),

Guaiáa (35),

Manjuba (35),

Shrimp (19),

Shellfish (15),

Comidiob (12)

Shellfish, crabs, equinoids, may be cleaners of larger fish [45-49]


Epinephelus marginatus (Garoupa)

Sardinha (46)

Guaiá (38)

Bonito (35)

Manjuba (27)

Crab (23)

Rotten bait (12)

Crabs, moluscs (mainly cephalopods) and fish (mainly planctivorous) [47,50-55]


Epinephelus morio (Garoupa)

Sardinha (46)

Guaiá (42)

Bonito (35)

Manjuba (31)

Crab (23)

Fish and invertebrates, mainly crustaceans and cephalopods [51,52,56]


Caranx latus (Xaréu)

Manjuba (77)

Squid (23)

Comidio (19)

Shrimp (12)

Mainly fish and, in lower proportion, shrimp and other invertebrates, including pteropods and copepods [47,51,57,58]


Umbrina coroides (Betara)

Shrimp (73)

Squid (15)

Mud (12)

Manjuba (12)

Benthic organisms, mainly crustaceans (Amphipoda and Mysidacea) [59-61]


Mycteroperca bonaci (Badejo)

Shrimp (35)

Manjuba (35)

Sardinha (23)

Squid (19)

Guaiá (15)

Adults eat mainly fish and juveniles eat crustaceans and also cephalopods [46,51,56]


Mugil curema (Parati)

Water’s foam (58)

Sand (19)

Mud (19)

Dust (19)

Juveniles eat plankton and adults eat plant material, microalgae, benthic microorganisms, copepods, polichaeta and detritus from the substrate [45,62-64]


Seriola lalandi (Olhete)

Squid (46)

Manjuba (42)

Comidio (27)

Sardinha (19)

Fish, cephalopods and crustaceans [65,66]


Bodianus pulchellus (GodiĂŁo)

Guaiá (46)

Mud (27)

Shrimp (15)

Barnacle (15)

Shellfish (12)

Pindác (12)

Don’t know (12)

Crustaceans, mollusks and ectoparasites from other fish [45-47,49]


Oligoplites saliens (Guaivira)

Manjuba (73)

Comidio (23)

Shrimp (12)

Squid (12)

Mainly fish and, in a lesser extent, cephalopods and crustaceans. This species may also eats scales from other fish [46,57]


Pomatomus saltatrix (Anchova)

Manjuba (69)

Sardinha (35)

Squid (27)

Comidio (19)

Shrimp (12)

Mainly fish, eventually mollusks, crustaceans and cephalopods [46,67-72]


Caranx crysos (Xarelete)

Manjuba (73)

Comidio (23)

Squid (19)

Shrimp (12)

Sardinha (12)

Fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and other benthic invertebrates [46,58,59]


Micropogonias furnieri (Corvina)

Shrimp (69)

Squid (27)

Manjuba (19)

Crustaceans, cephalopods, anelids and fish [46,52,59,61,68,73]


Cynoscion jamaicensis (Goete)

Shrimp (54)

Squid (31)

Manjuba (27)

Sardinha (12)

Comidio (12)

Mainly fish and crustaceans [61,74]


Stegastes fuscus (Café torrado)

Shrimp (35)

Guaiá (31)

Mud (27)

Shellfish (15)

Mainly algae, crustaceans, cnidarians and small invertebrates [45,46,75,76]


Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Sororoca)

Manjuba (54)

Comidio (19)

Sardinha (19)

Shrimp (12)

Mainly fish, but also cephalopods and crustaceans [46,68,77,78]


Centropomus parallelus (Robalo)

Shrimp (65)

Manjuba (31)

Squid (15)

Fish and crustaceans [46,79]


Mycteroperca acutirostris (Miracelo)

Shrimp (54)

Manjuba (50)

Comidio (23)

Squid (15)

Mainly fish, plankton and small crustaceans [47,51,80]


Abudefduf saxatilis (Tiniuna)

Shrimp (31)

Guaiá (19)

Mud (19)

Barnacle (15)

Baratinhad (12)

Bonito (12)

Manjuba (12)

Dust (12)

Plankton, small invertebrates, crustaceans and algae [45,47,81]


Euthynnus alleteratus (Bonito)

Manjuba (77)

Comidio (23)

Fish, crustaceans, heteropods and cephalopods [46,77,78]


Trichiurus lepturus (Espada)

Sardinha (54)

Manjuba (46)

Squid (23)

Comidio (15)

Fish, cephalpods and crustaceans [77,82,83]


Mugil liza (Tainha)

Water’s foam (62)

Mud (31)

Sand (12)

Manjuba (12)

Plankton and organic detritus [45,63]


Menticirrhus americanus (Betara)

Shrimp (77)

Manjuba (23)

Squid (12)

Crab (12)

Benthic organisms, mainly polichaeta and crustaceans [46,59,61]


Lutjanus synagris (Vermelho)

Shrimp (38)

Squid (35)

Sardinha (31)

Manjuba (23)

Bonito (15)

Prefers to eat crustaceans and fish, but eats also equinoderms, polichaeta, gastropods and cephalopods [52,59,68,84]


  1. *n = 26 interviewed fishers
  2. **showing the degree of likelihood or agreement between these two kinds of knowledge according to Silvano and Valbo-Jorgensen [15] and the values in parenthesis are the percent of interviewed fishers who mentioned each food item, showing only those items mentioned by more than 10% of the interviewed fishers.
  3. aGuaiá = small crab that lives among rocks, see Silvano and Begossi [42] for more details.
  4. bComidio = large schools formed by several species of small fish.
  5. cPindá = black sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter).
  6. dBaratinha = crustacean (Ligia exotica).
  7. The values in parenthesis are the percent of interviewed fishers who mentioned each food item, showing only those items mentioned by more than 10% of the interviewed fishers. Fish species are shown in the same order that they were shown to the interviewed fishers.