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Table 1 Illnesses and symptoms reported to be treated by traditional healers of the Hamer ethnic group, South Omo Zone (January–February 2010)

From: Health seeking behavior and use of medicinal plants among the Hamer ethnic group, South Omo zone, southwestern Ethiopia




Silito (tuberculosis), gebez (malaria), zen (diarrhoea), fever, tinea, ara (jaundice), berdate (intestinal worms), astiajim (toothache), gulfadhana (common cold), dysentery, sal (cough), wounds, tonsillitis


Lognagena (blood pressure), chaki (evil eye), guni (snake bite), asthma, male sexual impotence, muscle pain, pain associated with menstrual cycle, meta ajim (migraine), nature spirits, curses, fractures

  1. Those written in italics are local name of the disease