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Table 3 Total number of prey and estimated harvest rate (H)a y community type for frequently hunted species/taxon

From: Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forest-agriculture interface: an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon

Scientific Name

Common Name (Spanish)

Total Indv./Month (Harvest Rate H)b

Proposed Sustainable Harvest Rate (H) by Robinson and Redford (1991)


River-Based Community

Land-based Community

Ateles sp.

Spider monkey (mono araña negro)

21 (6.46)

1 (0.26)

0 (0.00)


Cuniculus paca

Lowland paca (maja)

38 (11.69)

17 (4.53)

22 (2.11)


Dasypus sp.

Armadillo (carachupa)

4 (1.23)

4 (1.07)

11 (1.06)


Mazama americana

Red brocket deer (venado)

9 (2.76)

9 (2.40)

0 (0.00)


  1. aHarvest Rate (H) is estimated as the number of individuals. /km2/year
  2. bThe aggregated area for each type of community was: Indigenous= 39 km2, River-based= 45km2, Land-based= 125km2