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Table 1 Characteristics of the study areas

From: Phytogeographical and sociolinguistical patterns of the diversity, distribution, and uses of wild mushrooms in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa

Study zones


Visited villages

Interviewed sociolinguistical groups

Evergreen Forest zone (EF)/Taï National Park (TNP)

Status: UNESCO World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve

Location: Southwestern Côte d’Ivoire (5° 08′–6° 24′ N and 6° 47′–7° 25′ W)

Size: 4540 km2

Vegetation: upper Guinean evergreen forest.

Climate: annual rainfall ranges from a mean of 1700 mm in the north to 2200 mm in the southwest, falling from March/April to July, with a shorter wet season from September to October.

Particularity: the largest island of forest remaining in West Africa, remaining relatively intact and well conserved.

Main anthropogenic impacts: threatened mammal species such as the pygmy hippopotamus and 11 species of monkeys are of great scientific interest. New main region of cacao production of the country

Paulé-oula, Youkou, Tienkoula, Daobly

Oubi, Baoulé, Gouro, Sénoufo, Kroumen, Guéré

Guinean Savanna Zone (GS)/Marahoué National Park (MNP)

Status: Endangered National Park

Location: West-center (7° 05′ 49′ N–6° 01′ 32′ W)

Size: 1010 km2

Vegetation: forest-savanna mosaic (Guinean savanna)

Climate: mean annual precipitation varies between 1100 and 1800 mm. Two dry periods can be distinguished, stretching from November to February and from July to August.

Particularity: covered with forest (2/3) and savanna. Four main habitats types occur: open canopy forest, gallery forests, forest-savanna edge, and savannas (savanna woodland, tree savannas, and shrubby savannas).

Main anthropogenic impacts: illegal farming (illegal farms cover huge areas in the former forest zone), poaching, and fire. It has lost 93% of its forest cover in the last 6 years.

Bêfla, Golikro, Djahakro, N’guessankro

Gouro, Baoulé, Whan

Sudano-Guinean savanna zone (SGS)/Comoé National Park (CNP)

Status: UNESCO World Heritage site and Biosphere Reserve

Location: North-eastern (8° 30′–9° 40′ N and 3° 10′–4° 20′ W).

Size: 11,500 km2

Climate: mean annual precipitation is around 1150 mm with a mean annual temperature of 27 °C.

Vegetation: semi-natural mosaic of forest-savanna (Sudano-Guinean savanna).

Particularity: many habitats ranging from forests to savannas, including all types of savanna (84%), bowal (4.9%), gallery forest (2.3%), and dry and humid forest islands

Main anthropogenic impacts: uncontrolled annual fire

Kakpin, Lambira, Koebounou

Koulango, Lobi, Malinké, Lorhon