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Table 2 Land-use related set of Csángó habitat terms, their meanings and English equivalents (literal translations of names are given in parentheses)

From: Multidimensionality and scale in a landscape ethnoecological partitioning of a mountainous landscape (Gyimes, Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

Csángó habitat names

Meanings and English equivalents

kaszáló 1,2

Hay meadow (the same)

bennvaló kaszáló 2

Hay meadow close to the settlement, fertilized every 2–3 years, mown twice a year, dominated by monocotyledons (inner hay meadow)

kinnvaló (hegyi) kaszáló 2

Hay meadow in the mountains, further from settlements, not fertilized, mown once a year, dicotyledons are common (outer hay meadow / hay meadow in the mountains)

erdőközötti, erdei kaszáló 2

Meadow among forests (hay meadow among forests / woodland meadow)

reglő / nyáraló 1,2

Pasture used in summer (pasture / to spend the summer)

bennvaló reglő 2

Pasture, close to the settlement (inner pasture)

hegyi reglő 2

Mountain pasture (the same)

őszlő 2

Meadow where the regrowth is grazed in the autumn (to spend the autumn)

sarjús hely 2

A mown place with regrowth (place with regrowth)

kert / udvar 2

Inner meadow among the houses, fertilized every 2–3 years, and mown 2–3 in a year (garden / courtyard)

kert mellett, kertszély 2

Bushy or tall-herb or weedy vegetation along fences (along a fence / edge of a garden)

szántófőd, pityókafőd, gabonafőd 2

Field, potato field, cereal field (the same)

szántófőd szélin 3

Field margin (the same)

felhagyott kaszáló 2 / felhagyott szántóföld 2

Abandoned hay meadow, abandoned arable field (the same)

erdő 1,2

Forest (the same)

vad hely 1,2

Area where vegetation is not controlled by humans (usually an old forest in narrow valleys) (wild place)

  1. Superscripts indicate scale: 1macrohabitat; 2mesohabitat; 3microhabitat.